“I must use great plainness of speech, and treat my dearest friends on earth with the greatest simplicity, faithfulness, and freedom, leaving the consequences of all to God.” - George Whitefield // Letter to John Wesley Dec. 24, 1740 If you’re reading this, chances are you’re a leader and/or attender of a Calvary Chapel church. If not, you may be a bitter brother who left in a hurry over some dispute or disagreement. Stay here, this article is for both of you. Let it be known that this is not a bitter rebuke, but rather a loving suggestion to Calvary Chapel. If you are reading this and expecting a harsh rebuttal to everything Calvary Chapel, leave now. This piece will read as a loving letter to brothers and sisters in Christ, not as the ramblings of a discernment blog. Let’s get to the point. Except for Calvary Chapel’s self-destructive ecclesiology, or dogmatic eschatology, nothing has caused more ruckus than disputes over the study of soteriology, or the dreaded c-word; Calvinism. Most of you probably know somebody who left your church for a number of reasons. Most of you probably heard, and eagerly read, about the church split that hit, but all of you have probably known or heard about someone who has fallen into the horrible trap of Calvinism, or from the other point of view, found the beautiful doctrines of grace. Most of you probably know people who had so much potential but got caught in the devil’s trap of Calvinism, or people who were awakened by scripture and set on fire by the doctrines of grace. We remember our friends who chose John Calvin over Jesus, or our friends who found Jesus teaching them these doctrines as ‘the Prince of Preachers’ proclaimed from his pulpit. However you look at it, we have all experienced, or heard about this subject. Calvary Chapels have been known for claiming to ride the fence in between Arminianism and Calvinism, in order to avoid division over such an issue. The claim is that the bible teaches both and it should be taken at face value, or that there is truth to Calvinistic beliefs but Calvinists just take it too far. Calvary Chapel’s official position on Calvinism, written in a booklet by Chuck Smith entitled Calvinism, Arminianism, and the Word of God: A Calvary Chapel Perspective, attempts to straddle the fence on the debate: “Calvary Chapel has been known for striking a balance between extremes on controversial theological issues that have often caused division rather than unity in the body of Christ. Calvary Chapels have no desire to be dogmatic in areas where Bible believers and teachers have disagreed.” Calvary Chapel Aurora in Colorado says in their statement of faith section 9, “We are neither Five-Point Calvinists, nor are we Arminians. We adhere firmly to the biblical teaching of God's sovereignty and man's responsibility. We avoid any theological systems of belief that go beyond the written Word and thereby divide the body of Christ.” This is a prime example of what Calvary Chapels claim to believe. In a noble attempt to prevent division and prolong unity, Calvary Chapel attempts to straddle the fence. Leaving many people happy about the unity they can share in their local Calvary Chapel between those who may hold to the Arminian doctrines and those who may hold to Calvinistic doctrines. Unfortunately, this is not what happens. Calvary Chapel is inherently Arminian in theology and are not welcoming to their Calvinistic brothers as Chuck Smith claimed in Calvary Chapel’s official position. Chuck Smith gives a 5-point statement explaining what Calvary Chapel believes about the doctrines of grace, and in so doing, indirectly points Calvary Chapel to Arminian theology. Here is a brief comparison of Calvary Chapel’s official perspective and the 5 Articles of the Remonstrance which characterize Arminian theology. Article 1 Calvary Chapel’s official stance on election is similar to, and in agreement with, that of the Arminian Articles, it says, “We believe that God chose the believer before the foundation of the world, and based on His foreknowledge, has predestined the believer to be conformed to the image of His Son. We believe that God offers salvation to all who will call on His name.” The Articles say in Article 1, “That God, by an eternal, unchangeable purpose in Jesus Christ, his Son, before the foundation of the world, hath determined, out of the fallen, sinful race of men, to save in Christ, for Christ's sake, and through Christ, those who, through the grace of the Holy Ghost, shall believe on this his Son Jesus,” Both Calvary Chapel, and Arminians alike believe in the predestination of salvation based on the foreknowledge of those who “shall believe” or those who “will believe.” Article 2 The atonement is no different and is in complete coherence, Calvary Chapel says, “We believe that Jesus Christ died as a propitiation (a satisfaction of the righteous wrath of God against sin) “for the whole world”, and that He redeems and forgives all who will believe in the death and resurrection if Jesus Christ.” Similarly, in Article 2, “Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, died for all men and for every man, so that he has obtained for them all, by his death on the cross, redemption, and the forgiveness of sins; yet that no one actually enjoys this forgiveness of sins, except the believer,” Both Calvary Chapel and the Articles of the remonstrance claim an unlimited atonement. Article 3 In respect to depravity Calvary Chapel says, “We believe that none are righteous, or capable of doing good and that apart from the conviction and regeneration of the Holy Spirit, none can be saved.” Those words are awfully similar to that of the words found in Article 3, “He, in the state of apostasy and sin, can of and by himself neither think, will, nor do anything that is truly good (such as having faith eminently is); but that it is needful that he be born again of God in Christ, through his Holy Spirit,” Article 4 The grace of the Arminian theology is also reflected in Calvary Chapel’s official position, “We believe that God’s grace can be resisted by us.” Article 4 repeats, “...as respects the mode of the operation of this grace, it is not irresistible,” It is clear and undebatable that both Calvary Chapel and the Arminians believe that God’s will may be thwarted by the will of man. Article 5 Calvary Chapel affirms the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints, “We do believe in the perseverance of the saints (true believers), but are deeply concerned about sinful lifestyles and rebellious hearts among those who call themselves ‘Christians’.” To which the reformed community would say ‘Amen’, and Arminian theology would also see no problem with, as it says in Article 5, “Jesus Christ assists them through his Spirit in all temptations, extends to them his hand, and if only they are ready for the conflict, and desire his help, and are not inactive, keeps them from falling, so that they, by no craft or power of Satan, can be misled, nor plucked out of Christ's hands,” Similarly, Article 5 and Calvary Chapel both end on more uncertainty considering the perseverance of the saints, Calvary Chapel asks, “Can true believers (‘brethren”) depart from the living God?” Calvary Chapel answers this question by saying, “Maintaining a Bible centered balance in this difficult issue is of great importance.” The Arminians also end on an uncertain note when they concluded Article 5 by saying, “Whether they are capable, through negligence, of forsaking again the first beginnings of their life in Christ, of again returning to this present evil world, of turning away from the holy doctrine which was delivered them, of losing a good conscience, of becoming devoid of grace, that must be more particularly determined out of the Holy Scriptures before they can teach it with the full persuasion of their minds.” Both are simply exerting with a noble effort to push in the right direction, but let us not miss the point; These two apparently ‘different’ theologies are completely coherent. The Personal Witness Calvary Chapel claims to have a hybrid theology in which the best of the both sides of this dispute are taken and molded together. In the beginning of Calvary Chapel’s movement it was seemingly a true hybrid in which both camps could start a fire. John MacArthur said in 1992 while speaking of Calvary Chapel: “From a theological standpoint, it sort of has an identity all of its own, it’s sort of a hybrid.” Fast forward 22 years later to 2014 and John MacArthur says from the pulpit about Calvary Chapel: “Not only is it Arminian, which of course is wrong, but it’s driven by experience and therefore has a weak view of scripture.” Now I don't claim MacArthur as my evangelical pope but this serves as a good example that the claim to be a theological hybrid that stays in the middle of every issue didn’t go too long without being noticed as false. Calvary Chapel promises a utopian society within the church in which both Calvinists and Arminians alike can go for fellowship, worship, and not need to worry about wearing a tie. Although these claims have persisted over the years, it has become abundantly clear that Calvary Chapel is aggressively anti-Calvinist. In 2011 at a Pastor’s Conference Chuck Smith said “There is no room in the Calvary Chapel movement for Calvinist pastors.” Refuting his own words when he said, “Calvary Chapel has no desire to be dogmatic in areas where Bible believers and teachers have disagreed.” This aggressive remark was followed up by the rumors of revoking ordinations of pastors who were Calvinistic. This is not inherently wrong as much as it is inconsistent. It isn’t wrong to desire unity in the Calvary Chapel denomination. It is wrong, however, to claim to be neither Calvinist nor Arminian, yet embrace Arminian theology and forbid Calvinist theology. The anti-Calvinist agenda of Calvary Chapel is coupled with, and propelled by, the common slaughter of the Calvinistic view in no attempt to represent what the reformed view actually says. In the popular episode of Pastor’s Perspective thoroughly refuted by Dr. James White, the heart of Calvary Chapel towards Calvinism can be seen. The controversial episode is based on the premise of a caller who had a conversation with a Calvinist friend and was seeking advice. Brian Brodersen says, “I wouldn’t necessarily recommend arguing with this person.” Which flies in the face of the Calvary Chapel perspective in which Chuck Smith says, “Discussion- YES! Disagreements- YES! Division- NO!” A little later Brian Brodersen says, “They are kind of like cultists,” This statement is ignorant at best. These words rival the position of Calvary Chapel when it is said, “We welcome believers who disagree with us to our fellowship,” Instead of welcoming Calvinists as believing brothers and sisters, they are likened to cultists. Brian Brodersen doesn’t stop as he goes on to say, “Calvinism is Christianity without Jesus,” Now the supposedly all-welcoming Calvary Chapel, which has its doors open to Calvinists and Arminians alike, is crumbling in the open. The public slaughter of the Calvinistic view with no attempt to rightly represent the theology correctly, surrounded by snickers and insulting remarks is the antithesis of welcoming. Whatever may be said of the Arminian theology, no honest Calvinistic scholar would dare attempt to take Jesus from them. Charles Spurgeon, who was a vigorous defender of Calvinism, said of an Arminian brother, “While I detest many of the doctrines which he preached, yet for the man himself I have a reverence second to no Wesleyan; and if there were wanted two apostles to be added to the number of the twelve, I do not believe that there could be found two men more fit to be so added than George Whitefield and John Wesley.” Don't get me wrong, I don't think Calvinism is the pinnacle of all theology. I'd have more in common with Arminius himself than with the modern day evanjelly. There are raging Arminians and cage-stage Calvinists alike who seem to do their best at tearing down the other. What makes the Calvary Chapel position different is that the Calvinist is lured in with the ideal utopian promise of welcoming both sides, and then stabbed in the back by the anti-calvinist Calvary Chapel agenda. This attitude has also traveled into the heart of the people. The slandering of Calvinism, along with the ignorance of it, has lead the people to believe that “Calvinism” is a bad word. The amount of personal testimonies to this is unending. Strong Calvinist brothers in the Lord confronted with “I hope the rumors aren’t true.” Articulate young men silenced for “spreading falsehood among the sheep.” Prayers and laments over the phone for those who fell into the trap of Calvinism. The attempts to gather together a group of friends in order to confront an individual brother on his sin of Calvinism. The aggressive rebukes on the Calvinist brother who dares question his pastor. The rumors of the once strong and Godly brother who, based on the reasoning of a vague account of an ignorant sermon, doesn’t believe in the love of God any longer. The gossip sessions full of ignorance and lacking love in the matter of their oh-so wrong reformed brethren. In the eyes of Calvary Chapel, Calvinism sits among the sins of fornication, drunkenness, and a lukewarm heart. Sooner would the Calvinist brother be confronted by pastor and friends than the brother consistently having premarital sex or the brother indulging in drunkenness for every special occasion. The abuse that conjures up in the wake of the anti-Calvinist sentiment leaves the Calvinist brother inside of the Calvary Chapel treated as a second class Christian at best. The eyes of his peers full of prejudice ready to write off anything that proceeds out of his mouth. No longer is the reformed brother’s attempt to explain, exhort, encourage, or evangelize accepted. Now the false convert, who is binge drinking and smoking marijuana consistently, can with confidence write off what the notoriously calvinistic brother has to say. Now the theological insight into the grieving of a lost one is not asked for because of the notorious reputation and gossip sessions that have occurred over the name of this Calvinist brother. The ministry of the Calvinist brother or sister is rendered useless in the fog of the anti-Calvinist agenda which has permeated Calvary Chapel. It must be noted that every Calvary Chapel is very different. Some Calvary Chapel’s may have various five-part series refuting what they think is Calvinism. Some Calvary Chapel’s never mention the subject of Calvinism. Some Calvary Chapels seem to lean in a reformed direction of theology. For example, Pastor Raul Reis of Calvary Chapel Golden Springs has a unique statement of faith in which they state, “We believe in the absolute necessity of regeneration by the Holy Spirit for salvation because of the exceeding sinfulness of human nature,” Although it is vague and not very specific, it has a Calvinistic sound to it and seems to imply the inability of man to turn to Christ due to an enslaved human will. It would be expected that the order of regeneration in respect to faith would be explicitly stated as it is on the Calvary Chapel Bible College doctrinal statement, “When a person repents of sin and receives Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord, trusting Him to save, that person is immediately born again and sealed by the Holy Spirit,” CCBC makes no mistake in making it abundantly clear that they believe that belief precedes regeneration. Calvary Chapel Golden Springs leaves the order of faith and regeneration a mystery as to what exactly they believe. How Do We Fix This? Although there are churches in which even though there may be a split right down the middle of the congregation on this subject there remains no division, Calvary Chapel hasn't achieved such an environment. The claims and goals of Calvary Chapel to be in the middle of each position have failed. The welcoming attitude to those who disagree is rare. Why is this? I believe it's because most Calvary Chapel folk actually do care about the truth. This causes them to pick a side instead of taking the post-modern, no-truth, kumbaya'n route. The churches who act like there's no truth have worse problems. Calvary Chapel should change their doctrinal claims to embrace Arminian doctrines in order to avoid the abuse, division, and marginalization that has arisen. Calvary Chapels should continue to teach people to go to the Word for everything. Calvary Chapel should continue in its best intentions to run towards the heart of Christ in a reckless abandon. Calvary Chapel should recognize that God’s heart is revealed through His scriptures and His doctrines. For the dear brothers and sisters committed to these churches: take time to speak to your Calvinist brother and not about him. Take time to dissect his/her position and figure out what he/she really believes before you jump to conclusions that are not true. If you happen to be the Calvinist, stop trying to teach the doctrines of grace with the absence of grace. There is nothing more contraire in terms than an ‘arrogant calvinist’. You are not a heretic. You are not the catalyst of controversy anymore than the 46 men who gathered for the remonstrance in 1609. God does not hate you for ‘causing division’ anymore than He hated Paul for writing the beloved epistles to the Galatians and Corinthians to correct them. Not everybody needs to be haggled on the doctrine of election, maybe ask how you could be praying for your sibling in Christ or meet them where they’re at in their life. Do not let a person walk away from you thinking you’re abrasive and mean, represent the gospel of grace with grace. Lastly, seek God’s will in possibly leaving your Calvary Chapel to find a better fitting church. God and His truth will always win. Let’s dispute, let’s debate, let’s correct each other, but let’s never lose passion for Jesus Christ. Dr. James White’s refutation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGqQLLDV4zY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8whxBj2fQY Rumors of Revoked Ordination: http://triablogue.blogspot.com/2007/09/calvary-chapel-to-calvinists-you-are.html Five Articles of the Remonstrance: http://www.crivoice.org/creedremonstrants.html Chuck Smith's Comment in 2011: http://calvarychapeltheology.com/Articles/AREFORMED-FREECALVARYCHAPEL.pdf
11/16/2020 01:07:20 am
I do not believe that your blog furthers the Kingdom of God, as it is full of your personal experience, which was clearly negative, and smells of bitterness. I appreciate that towards the end of your writing you finally admit that not all Calvary Chapels are as you stated and that some in fact do not even discuss Calvinism. I have been at a Calvary Chapel for over ten years and it has never been discussed. I’ve been part of leadership and never heard it being brought up in terms of judging someone within the church - ever. I have grown by leaps and bounds as a Christian at my Calvary Chapel church and the focus has always been about reading and receiving the Bible verse-by-verse, never cherry-picking scripture out of context for the purpose of fitting a chosen topic. The Bible is the Living Word of God and as such can be applied to our lives each and every day no matter what passage we are currently reading. We are a come-as-you-are church 1000% and mean it - we accept everyone and love them as Christ would love them. People come and go, especially since we gather near an Air Force base, and I’ve remained friends with many who have moved on for various reasons. I honesty have not read anyone post so negatively about a Calvary Chapel before and it is honestly a bit surprising to see someone bagging on a church that teaches straight from the Bible without the dogma that so many denominations live and breathe by, but perhaps some find comfort in their manmade rules. I spent a few years in a Baptist church and a few years in a Lutheran church so I guess I am familiar with Calvinism, though I never heard it called that ever. Who has time for labels and getting caught up in this theory over that one? That is what I like about Calvary Chapel churches, at least the three that I have attended, is that they simply follow her the Bible says. The teachings break down the verses and explain Hebrew and Greek Word origins, and historical relevance, etc., and as a growing Christian I have done that myself. I have also done extra studying with various commentaries and my own study Bible and nothing I have read in those “platforms” had ever been in conflict with my Calvary Chapel teaching. Your article seems to discourage people from attending a Calvary Chapel and that is no different than telling people to stop going to church, because there is no guarantee that someone who leaves will immediately go somewhere else and that will quickly lead to not going at all. The slippery slope of complacency. Please check your heart on this matter and ask God to show you if He is pleased with what you are doing here. You may have a pastoral lineage and may like the vain idea of your thoughts and growth being on the internet for your future lineage and the world to see, but you will be held accountable for every single person you led astray with your frustration and bitterness that is published on this blog. That is a heavy burden to bear and I hope you take it seriously and pray in earnest before each post to make sure your thoughts are in line with God’s will. Do your posts point people to Christ or discourage them from seeking the Lord?
11/16/2020 07:21:40 am
Jeff Hughes
9/19/2021 09:44:44 pm
I have recently attended a Calvary Chapel for approximately 100 hours and then have Met and fellowshipped with many Godly Christians there. I also just attended a Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 4 Day conference for approximately 30 hours. and pastors viciously attackd calvinistls , Augustine ,and Calvin himself repeatedly with snickering and shouting and just pure hatred . one Pastor what happened to be the church I attended was the only Pastor who preached and taught as an Expositor and he was really great. all the rest we're like the guy who jumped up on his horse and rode off in a thousand different directions preaching and teaching was awful boring. No cohesiveness to it whatsoever . these people mention these leaders Chuck Smith dozens of times and even his wife and how afraid of her they were. this was a Cult like type of atmosphere and it turned out my pastor is a fanatic, a tyrant , a dictator and a hypocrite who slandered me and falsely accused me beyond belief and told me not to come back even though I told him I believe 100% in human responsibility and God's sovereignty but he was not satisfied because I gave a book to someone at the church by aw pink on Elijah commentary on Elijah whichas nothing to do with free will or arminianism or Calvinism and so I told him I would not hand out any books anymore and he said that wasn't good enough and I was not welcome to ever come back again now I know he will lie to the people there that I met and probably tell them something like we agreed to disagree, or he may just ignore the fact that I'm not even attending there anymore at his demands not mine. The man is also a liar a lying hypocrite he told me because I had read Jeremiah and Ezekiel and all the study notes for 55 days 5 to 6 hours a day and I had read first John 40 times in 45 days that I was backslidden because I was still not doing that . he bragged that he read the Bible 6 times a year and then he lied about it in front of another member when I asked him why he called me a backslider because I didn't read the Bible 6 times a year like he did and he lied and said he never said that so he's also a liar I have recently attended a Calvary Chapel for approximately 100 hours and have met and fellowshiped with many many godly Christians there. I also just attended a Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Ford a conference for proximity 20 hours listen to 10 pastors and they did attacks cabinets like Augustine in Calvin himself repeatedly with snicker rain and shouting and just pure hatred one pastor who happen to be the pastor's church I attended was the only pastor who preached in taught as an expository and you was really great all the rest we're like the guy who jumped up on his horse Android off in a thousand different directions the preaching and teaching was awful boring had no coherent seen all Cosumnes to it whatsoever these people mention these leaders Chuck Smith dozens of times and even his wife and how Freight of her they were this is a coat like type of atmosphere and it turned out my pastor is a fan attic, a tyrant a dictator and a hypocrite with slander me and falsely accused me beyond belief and told me not to come back even though I told him I believe 100 % in human responsibility and God sovereignty but he was not satisfied because I gave a book to someone at the church by aw pink oval commentary on Elijah which not has nothing to do with free will or Armenian isn't more Calvin as them and so I told him I would not hand out any books anymore and he said that wasn't good enough and I was not welcome to ever come back again now I know he will lie to the people there that I met and probably tell them something like we agree to disagree or you may just ignore the fact that I'm not even a tendon there anymore at his demands not mine man is also a wire a lion hypocrite he told me because I had read Jeremiah and Ezekiel on all the study notes for 55 days 5 , 6 hours a day and I had read 1st John 45 times in 40 days that I was a backs Linden person because I was still not doing that that he Bragg that he read the Bible 6 times a year and then he lied about it in front of another remember when I asked him why he called me a back slider because I didn't read read the Bible 6 times of the year like he did and he lied and said he never said that so he's also a liar these people are wonderful people but the leader it at this cc is a megalomaniac.
8/31/2021 09:33:45 am
What she and everyone at Calvary Chapel don't even realize is how it affects a kid when you get to college and study anatomy and realize you don't have 23 ribs while your girlfriend has 24...guess I'll just burn in eternal torment in hell! It's like a Church of Christ I went to recently, still out there teaching that you go to hell if you play instruments in church, all 3 of them. 4 if you count the pastor. Here's the catch at Calvary, dear leader predicted the rapture in 1981, and the Bible says not to put faith in false prophets. Sending kids to schools teaching you have 23 ribs and dinosaurs were never real and Jesus is coming back in this specific timing, and connect that to the faith so hard, all the while not realizing it's lying, sinning against your children, over fear. That's not Jesus. Amen!!!! Lift up Christ and stop the "...isms" Spiritual pride runs deep in the church. The writer fails to recognize how open-handed doctrines divide the church and take our eyes off Christ and puff us up. Debate doctrine among small groups and outside the local church. Get on mission for Christ as a local body. He also fails to recognize we at a CC may be neither Calvanist or Arminian. I was once a 5-point TULIP Calvanist, but now admit my error and despise the false doctrine that tarnishes God's love and impunes His character. I consider myself a Provisionist; see Soteriology 101 by Dr. Leighton Flowers. It's been painful finding myself in a local church that's Calvanist, hard core, and having to leave because of the insistence members agree to an Article of Faith that claims God creates most unable to believe, sends them to hell for not believing the gospel, and is glorified in doing so. I love these brothers and sisters and most don't have a clue what their pastors are teaching them. Grace and peace.
4/11/2023 08:34:59 pm
That was encouraging! I been attending Calvary Chapel churches since 2005 and have grown in love and in knowledge. Recently I watched a DVD series by Dell Tacket called The Engagement Project, he may be Calvinist but all I know is that I grew in love for my neighbor! Let’s love one another in Jesus’ name!
5/23/2021 12:01:48 pm
I appreciate your article. I am a Calvinist that attends a Calvary Chapel. How do I do it? In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity. Yes, I am 5-point. Yes, I differ with the Moses model of leadership (which isn’t exercised the same throughout the movement). Yes, I am a cessationist. Yes, I am not a dispensational premillennialist. Yes, I am more Covenantal minded.
6/30/2021 04:47:23 pm
Joe, very good insight. At the time this was written CRT had not spread how it has now. The lines are redrawn. And I'd much rather be at a conservative Calvary Chapel than a woke Calvinist church. Thanks for the kind words.
Jeff Laxton
10/7/2021 01:47:05 am
Hey Joe. I'm not the smartest person in the world but I come from a horrible background and believe that Jesus Christ reached down from heaven and saved me. I was unable to save myself. Why do Arminians hate me for that.
8/17/2022 04:10:12 pm
We don't hate you. We just do not believe in irresistible grace. It may seem like you are shunned and disliked because of wounds that Arminians have received from Calvinists 9/15/2021 12:55:46 pm
Jeremiah- I appreciate your thorough and balanced commentary. I go back to the CCCM days of Papa Chuck and Tom Stipe. I spent 7 years with Greg Laurie. It was wonderful...at that time. But some of the contradictions left me in a faith crisis by the 1990s. I studied under Dr. George Grant. That rocked my theological world.
Darrell Elkin
10/18/2021 09:43:19 pm
I personally heard Chuck Smith say there is only one book other than the Bible I read every year. The Sovereignty of God by Arthur Pink. I believe he was a Calvinist.
10/18/2021 09:46:44 pm
Chuck definitely was not a Calvinist. Pink definitely was a Calvinist. Interesting. I don’t recall ever hearing Chuck say that. I’d be curious to hear that.
3/9/2022 01:06:56 pm
I have been blessed by listening to John MacArthur, RC Sproul, Voddie Baucham, Jack Hibbs, Al Pittman, Ed Taylor, and I can think of others as well. How they can't come together in conferences etc. is mind boggling to me. With the world being how it is where we are being told that embracing sin is kindness, truth is relative to your feelings, racism is justice, the world is tearing down the family structure and embracing neo-marxist idealogy,etc, etc, etc. I think the time is now to choose who we will serve and fight the darkness that opposes Christ together.
3/10/2022 10:12:30 am
Actually I’ve left a Reformed church for a Calvary Chapel because I felt that they were becoming
9/9/2022 12:26:35 pm
I read your blog post with some interest, as I have been active in both Calvary Chapel and Calvinist type churches in my decades on this earth. And while I accept that I am somewhat more drawn to Calvinism than Arminianism, there is one major thing that really troubles me about Calvinism, or at least those who try to explain the five pillars of salvation (TULIP)? They Always say “Once saved, always saved”, but then rather casually dismiss those who seem to stray from the faith. Oh- they aren’t walking the straight and narrow now? “They must not have really been saved in the first place!” This completely ignores the pretty clear story of the prodigal son, as I understand it. In this story Jesus told, clearly the father of the two sons is a picture of the Heavenly Father, by whom we receive sonship by adoption when we get saved. When the prodigal son took off to live a fleshly lifestyle, the Father did not cease to be his father, and the son though he seemed to reject and leave his family, did not cease to be the father’s child. When he Came Back he was embraced. It was never a question of “Oh he must not have been his son to begin with”. So why do we do this when our brothers and sisters in Christ stray? Should we not be praying for their prodigal time to come to an end without assuming they were never saved to begin with?? Real question that I hope someone can help me with. Also- you said in your article that CC has eschatology all wrong. Do you have a blog post here or a website that outline that you believe explains the end times scenario correctly? Thank you for your time.
9/11/2022 09:19:24 pm
The first thing I would like to say, and I think we can all agree on it, is that there are saved and unsaved arminians, likewise there are unsaved and saved calvinists. I attended CC Aurora CO for a few years, and the pastor is a really sweet personable man, but it seemed to me that we were just getting milk fed theologically, all new believer type stuff if you will. I was determined to go deeper in my understanding of our faith in my own study time. One day the leader of my study group, a retired reverend, gave me a copy of AW Pink's "The sovereignty of God" and cautioned me to eat the meat but spit out the bones, which in hindsight was amazing since he always told our group that calvinists go to hell. That book changed my life and theological understanding, it was almost like being born again, again. I will tell you that in that church's case, scripture was indeed read line upon line, and I was excited because the next study was on the book of Romans at that church. I was really looking forward to see if the pastor saw what Pink and I saw in it. I was really disappointed when, getting to Romans 6, 7, and 8, that ET (pastors initials) just quickly read through it with no commentary. I wasn't as disappointed as I was frustrated because the whole book of Romans is so deep and meaty. ET wasn't interested in counter viewpoints, even if they are biblical. Thankfully I found a Reformed Baptist church, and have been blessed ever since.
Joe Brown
12/30/2022 08:59:53 am
Your blog falsely lumps all believers who reject Calvinism into the arminian camp. You apparently presume that believers who reject Calvinism also believe one can lose their salvation otherwise you would not claim they are arminians. You presume too much. If you want to put a label on believers who reject Calvinism don't ignorantly assume you think we all believe one can lose their salvation. Instead call us Synergists for we believe that it's not all God and not all man but a synergy of arising from God's offer and man's acceptance that brings about salvation.
Joe M
1/3/2023 10:30:49 pm
You quoted George Whitefield, who is associated with Calvinism. Which in turn is associated with Masonry. Calvin, Wycliff, Luther. Many were freemasons. Pretty much all involved in the Reformation and capitalism. I think its a bad idea for people to be learning from these institutions. Nowadays, all you need is e-sword and a phone, or PC. Prayer and commitment to the One True Almighty GOD. No denominations. No creeds. No clubs. Institutionalized religion is a pitfall.
11/3/2023 12:31:51 pm
Sadly you are wrong to wish for unity over exposing "False Doctrines." Comments are closed.
AuthorJeremiah is a husband, father, CPA, and is currently studying pastoral ministry at Greyfriars Hall. Archives
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